The Visit to the UK of His Lordship Bishop Immanuel Bushu, Bishop of Buea Diocese, Proprietor and Chancellor of the University Institute of the Diocese of Buea (UIDB)

The University Institute of the Diocese of Buea (UIDB) is a newly established higher education institution in Cameroon.  The University aims to address acute unemployment amongst Cameroonian youths by providing students with vocationally-relevant and professionally-oriented education informed by practice and research.  The University intends to achieve this by establishing a vibrant learning environment that fosters innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. It has established five Schools which offer distinct professional programs:  School of Agriculture; School of Engineering: School of Management Sciences; School of Information Technology; and School of Catholic Studies.  So far, the University has made significant investments in acquiring land and building part of its new campus.  However, it still faces significant challenges with its campus development programme and is seeking support to complete basic infrastructure requirements such as lecture rooms, library, laboratories, computing equipment and network, etc.  estimated at about 16 million FCFA.

His Lordship Bishop Immanuel Bushu, Bishop of Buea Diocese, Proprietor and Chancellor of the UIDB and Father George Nkeze , Pro-Chancellor of the UIDB will be visiting the UK between the 3rd and the 10th of June 2013 to explore potential for collaboration with a number UK Universities.  He also wants to meet well-wishers from the Cameroonian Diaspora, current and potential friends of the UIDB to explain the initiative and seek their support.


Thanks Giving Mass Led by His Lordship Bishop Bushu, Bishop of Buea Diocese, Proprietor and Chancellor of the University Institute of the Diocese of Buea (UIDB)


A thanks giving Mass has been organised in London on Saturday the 8th of June 2013 at 4 pm led by the Bishop to give interested parties an opportunity to get together to celebrate God's abundant blessings in our community. The Mass will take place at the St John at Hackney Church, Lower Clapton Road, London, E5 0PD, UK.  The mass will be followed by a reception at which the Bishop and his delegation will present details on the development of the University.



We are seeking donations to support the development of the UIDB.  Individuals who are unable to attend the Mass and make donations in person can make their donation through the bank account below. 


Account Name:  The Millennium Group Foundation

Account Number: 01386913

Account Sortcode:  403905

IBAN:  GB75MIDL40390501386913

Branch Identifier Code:  MIDLGB215W



We look forward to working with you to make this fund raising initiative a success.