TMG members pool their efforts through the TMG-F to support charitable activities concerning Cameroonians both in Cameroon and in the Diaspora. TMG-F gained its charitable status in June 2006 (Registration No. 1114694).

Our Vision & Values for TMG-F

The vision that drives TMGF is one of thriving communities in Cameroon where every citizen [particularly the disenfranchised] - in TMGF's dream - should have access to adequate health care and education, the means to generate a livelihood and the right to respect, dignity and equality. These initiatives we carry out fall within the following categories: Poverty alleviation; Community development; Healthcare; and Education. Furthermore, as an organisation, we pride ourselves on some core values, including the following core couple:
  • do what we say we are going to do;
  • treat all we meet with respect, integrity and professionalism.

TMG-F Services Proposition

TMG-F Core Assumptions are the following:

  • Many African organisations can benefit from the professional experiences of their Diaspora - there are 7 millions African Diaspora in Europe and a further 7 millions in North America
  • African Diaspora have more than achieved the critical mass to help pool Western and African resources to acts as agents and foster capacity building, good governance and transparent business practices back in Africa
  • African Diaspora can choose to be part of the solution to Africa's challenges - and not de facto being part of the problem
  • Numerous African communities are disenfranchised, i.e. not having access to adequate healthcare and education, the means to generate livelihood and the right to respect, dignity and equality - particularly, the disadvantaged.

TMGF Service Offering - Assessment, Advice, Action 

  • Assessment - to fully understand the current status of the organisation from a from a total organisational standpoint - strategy, priorities, quality assurance, project management, processes, systems, etc
  • Advice - to leverage the substantial expertise of the Diaspora (within and beyond the TMG team) to identify priority actions typically covering value-adding capacity building, good governance and transparent business practices for the organisation
  • Action - selectively where possible, to take a hands-on part in implementation of the strategic priorities selected with other partner organisations and or Diaspora.

Some TMG-F Achievements in Recent Years:

2011 to Date: The University Institute of the Diocese of Buea (UIDB):  This is a recently established higher education institution in Cameroon.  It aims to address acute unemployment amongst Cameroonian youths by providing students with vocationally-relevant and professionally-oriented education informed by practice and research. It has established five Schools which offer distinct professional programs:  School of Agriculture; School of Engineering: School of Management Sciences; School of Information Technology; and School of Catholic Studies.  So far, the University has made significant investments in acquiring land and building part of its new campus.  However, it still faces significant challenges with its campus development programme and staffing.  TMGF is helping to address some of these challenges by providing strategic consultancy advice and is working with the Senior Management Team to advise on management capacity building, curriculum development, quality assurance, brokering links with international institutions, fostering collaboration on research projects with other institutions, research grant applications, and appealing to the Diaspora for support, etc.

2009 to date: FASAF (Rescuing Teenage Girls/Education/Poverty Alleviation) - FASAF stands for Father Samson Foundation, based in Akwaya, South West Region, Cameroon. FASAF rescues truly desperate young girls and boys: girls for example who would be otherwise married at 12 years old or thereabouts, and young boys who would otherwise be literally abandoned. We have paid upfront for some for their education for 5 years!! in order to guarantee they do not get "recaptured" into the circumstances they have been rescued from. Needs: fees, books, subsistence, etc

2008 to date: HUPA (Education/Poverty Alleviation) - HUPA stands for Hope for the Under-Privileged Association - based in the North West Region of Cameroon, Africa. TMGF has started funding 25 (twenty five) primary school AIDS orphan pupils - who would otherwise drop off school. We have committed to funding them to the end of primary school. Issue: poverty due to orphanage. Needs: fees, books, subsistence, support, buildings, etc.

2008 to date: Akum Deaf School (Education): TMGF has started funding the only deaf school in a province of 3 million people in Cameroon - with no funding from the government. We will endeavour to "buddy" this school up to UK equivalents, help lobby for Government funding and help apply for UK grants. Issue: marginalisation of the disabled in Cameroon. Needs: infrastructure, books; dormitories, etc.

2008: SAJOCAH (Healthcare): TMGF is supporting poor children through operations who would otherwise suffer disability when some operations may prevent lifelong disability. See pictures below. The girl below would have been condemned to a life of disability, poverty, begging, etc. Now after her operation which is funded by the Charity Sajocah, she can now live an independent life. Needs: subsistence, infrastructure, funding to take on more disabled children, training, etc

2007 to date: BUST: Community Capacity Building and Advancement of Education. The Client is the fledgling Bamenda University of Science & Technology (BUST), Cameroon - with no Government funding. TMGF provided strategic consultancy in situ - on the ground in Cameroon with the Senate and Staff - covering priorities, debt refinancing, break even business planning and Diaspora contributions. Cameroon is in dire need of more capacity in tertiary education. Lectures covering these topics were delivered to University staff and students. Needs: infrastructure, monies, etc. TMG-F provided some significant funding to finishing the main building (we have a plaque there proudly), as well as fund a scholarship scheme at BUST (see picture above). 

Also see the University prize certificate bearing proudly bearing "TMG" in the picture below.

2006/7: Organised the first and 2nd, widely-acclaimed African Diaspora Conferences on Sustainable Development in July, 2006 and 2007 with 150 Diasporas in attendance, in London, UK.

2004 to date: CDEO and FASIRUD: We have very successful partnership arrangements with two NGOs in Cameroon which we have funded and mentored for 3years: the first an association for the Deaf and the second a women-empowerment group.


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