
Please join us as a partner or as a sponsor.

We work collaboratively with a number of partners and sponsors. We have worked or are currently working with the following:

  • The University Institute of the Diocese of Buea (UIDB):  This is a recently established higher education institution in Cameroon.  It aims to address acute unemployment amongst Cameroonian youths by providing students with vocationally-relevant and professionally-oriented education informed by practice and research. It has established five Schools which offer distinct professional programs:  School of Agriculture; School of Engineering: School of Management Sciences; School of Information Technology; and School of Catholic Studies.  So far, the University has made significant investments in acquiring land and building part of its new campus.  However, it still faces significant challenges with its campus development programme and staffing.  TMGF is helping to address some of these challenges by providing strategic consultancy advice and is working with the Senior Management Team to advise on management capacity building, curriculum development, quality assurance, brokering links with international institutions, fostering collaboration on research projects with other institutions, research grant applications, and appealing to the Diaspora for support, etc.
  • BUST: Community Capacity Building and Advancement of Education. The Client is the fledgling Bamenda University of Science & Technology (BUST), Cameroon - with no Government funding. TMGF provided strategic consultancy in situ - on the ground in Cameroon with the Senate and Staff - covering priorities, debt refinancing, break even business planning and Diaspora contributions. Cameroon is in dire need of more capacity in tertiary education. Lectures covering these topics were delivered to University staff and students. Needs: infrastructure, monies, etc. TMG-F provided some significant funding to finishing the main building (we have a plaque there proudly), as well as fund a scholarship scheme at BUST (see picture above). 

Also see the University prize certificate bearing proudly bearing "TMG" in the picture below.


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